
Estados En Mexico

“ Amphibians and reptiles of the US-Mexican Border States summarizes nearly all that is known about amphibians and reptiles of American and Mexican states that share a common border. What makes this compendium different from existing filed guides it that, in addition to providing distributional information, it contains a wealth of fascination information on the history of exploration in this region and the relationship between species composition and regional variation in geology and vegetation. The authors have invested entire careers working in portions of the region covered such that information about each species is based on first hand observations. Moreover, the authors are all highly respected scientists and naturalists. Ecologically and historically oriented herpetologists should have a copy of this book, and it should also be of interest to professional and amateur ecologists.” — Dr.

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Vitt, George Lynn Cross Research Professor, Curator Emeritus of Sam Noble Museum. 'Having engaged in herpetological research in many areas on both sides and along both ends of our southern international border, I can verify the complexity of surveying the primary literature and using several state faunal compendia in support of such studies. Thus, publication of Amphibians and Reptiles of the US-Mexican Border States will help to circumvent those previous difficulties. The book will become an invaluable and requisite companion volume for those carrying out herpetological research along this international border.

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